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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


    When we theorise the black body, we analyse it's radiation for a technical completion. Since we review our observations as technical, how can we imply analysis has been given completion in a theoretical wormhole?

Solar radiation applies to our technical analysis of the sun. When we preview our theoretical analysis, we must align a methodology exchange that requires us to obtain analysis in theoretical conversion. The sun is converted to energy but remains radiation. The technical output measures the suns rays by radiation, but converts it to liquid energy to convert the gaseous exchange. By analysis, the technical conversion is true, but measure the analysis by technical completion and the succint enters a relationship gap that annihilates conversion.
To complete the succint worm-hole, we need to resort to technical analysis to complete our theory. The answer to our technical worm-hole, answers the theory in analytical conversion tables to posit our recovery process on technical analysis. To convert methodology we need to unite the ascendance with a gradians for technical approval. So the conversion must initiate the response of the technical gradians to redistribute the system. When we convert electrical energy to recalculate measure, we retain it's methodology to recalculate system back to conversion. The remarkable aspect is that the conversion retains it's methodology to retain relationship of the ascension value, but remains constant as a verve position. Technical ablation then remains the correspondence technique of a portable ascension value in the analysis given. This results in the catalytic technique of higher states of correspondence analysis, for theoretical conversion. The higher techniques of a radiation catalysis can then be observed from a methodology point of view as the restituating order of a possible verve. Concluding evidence?

Saturday, August 13, 2011


          Describing the Quantum Chromodynamic in a specificity vector, to associate a unified vector field in upper states of resolution to the main plane physics. The computation isolates vector synthesis to complete the polar constant in distribution vector for higher states of physics. A polar constant replicates the higher states in chromaticity, to interpret resonance for a classical entology of the perturbation factor in science. Dual plane vector, decribes the plane geometry that redistributes potential through it's axis potential, through mediation of the spectral alliance of chromatic indices in polar vectors chromatography. The alliance of chromatic spectra using point vector for Cartesian geometries; is photographed below.

The product of the cross coordinates, shows a symmetry mediation along the lines of a cross polymorphic potential. Associated to this theorem is a class A. photography for spectral alliance in polymorphic rays, detected in a cosmic shower. 


    Light emits and absorbs radiation. Light frequency radiation is thought of as the intensity of light where a photonic charge emits photoelectric potential. Emittance of this light is also thought to absorb frequency in wavelengths of decimal range between photons of discrete energy packets. Estimated potentials between light frequency range produce kinetic variance to the isopotential of kinematic spin, also known as magnetic energy. Each configuration in a kinematic variance, is set apart by the dipole of a magnetic spin. High energy positrons affect the dipole of an electric spin by the wave function similarly portrayed by the analysis of the vector surface potential in anti-positron spin. The reference potential of a magnetic quark points to isolated spin vectors for the positron emissions of the vector source, making the UV source ray an electromagnetic variance for the isopotential spin. This points to isomeric quarks using positron emission of quintile vectors for annihilation of beta ray particles. A process of activation begins from the tungsten model in nuclear array spectroscopy, where the product of interpretation is an n-boson quark. The divided theory of an n-potential points to dual association in the n-quark, as cosmic variance. The elusive primary model is a model of interpretation for primary quarks, with the distributing potential in the electron quark for primary associated quanta. In plane geometry for isopotential quanta, the reference modality is in peak frequency. Modulation spectronomy appears as modulation injunction, where the presence of isolated quanta from the modulated induction at peak frequency reference, is recovered from the modulation arcs of dielectric quanta.  Geometric incursion for the rate of infinitisemals, is discharged as the dielectric constant in the product action of quantum state affine in the modulation arcs of injunctions. In a refractive modality, the peak frequency is shown as a symmetry model with corrective asymmetry projections in the modulated affine of the new distribution model. A collective symmetry possesses refractive modality through frequency wave, and appears as symmetry potential for the divided axes in a mediated spin. The mediated spin potential produces vortex for an induction on gravity momentum in the sequence of modulation with techtronomy. A thermal quark from the induction ray of high positron spins, produces quanta waves in magnetic theory, with inference causing two new magnetic quarks to produce boson's from the Higgs theory, due to the magnetic transmission being muon transmission in particle array. 




      Memory is not  the set of recollections that many believe are stored away in some enigmatic compartment within the brain. Memory IS the storing function of the limbic system.
Memory is the messenger neuron of the compartment. This neuron is a blip spot between every chemical interaction that transceives in the brain. The 'blip' is an 'action-potential'  reversed in chemical energy, to form the actuating potential for an ion transfer energy chain. The actuating potential is the action potential for magnetic energy in a transfer chain. In other words, it is a code for transmission in reverse energies. This magnetic pi,  is equivalent to a threshold that contains electrical energy in a state of  chemical equilibrium. 

Chemical energy is known to distribute potential through is glycosides in chemical potential. Through it's glycosides, tri-glycerides are made. Triglycerides are combustion molecules. Chemical combustion of triglycerides causes chemical energy to transfer the wave packet into dynamic chemistry. The dynamic chemistry is referred to as synapse. A synapse is a conduction of energy transfer across a convection gradient. A transfer of kinetic molecular energy is reversed across the gradient and a neurotransmitter is sent as a conduction molecule over a synaptic cleft. The neurotransmitter sent is acetylcholine. Acerylcholine is a transceiver and anticholineric molecule, which means that it is able to stop, start and transmit the action-potential in an energy gradient. Acetylcholine is the conductor of the energy train and transmits signal to stop, start and connect the transmission lines for energy potential. In effects it is the activating transmission for a polarized vector potential. 

A flow of electrons from a dipole magnet conducts a vortex to transmit and re-unite the convection currents in a polarized string, The surface potential in an electron magnet, can produce string electrons from it's diatomic nucleus during a transfer of molecular energy. This means that the reverse potential for kinetic energy is the action-potential for a string theory. The activating potential  is thus the reserve potential in an activating string, meaning that magnetic tides string over the active potential of  a polarizing gap.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Since the days of Plato, a fifth element in nature has been proposed. The prospect of an etheric nature transforms into what is  known today as String Theory Resonance in Quaternions
A communicative science connects all matrices by a unifying field in sub matter 

Corrective asymmetry proposes a static field in nature, communicating a state of equilibrium between two opposing magnetic states in a quantum field. Static equilibrium therefore, is a quantum magnetic state also known as quantum equilibrium.  The state of quantum equilibrium is a magnetic time frame that proposes a magnetic energy in quintessential matter. In proximal field theory, the equivalent in quantum vectors of magnetic fields, holds fast this opinion of a quintessential nature in the presence of matter. An isolated subjection proposes all states as magnetic field by variance of the isolated matter. The nature of covalence understands the theory as an essence of co-typical factor through which magnetic states are adhered, ie: the prevalence is co-factor appropriate. The isolated quintiles in co-factor variance, presents an interesting design in magnetic fields. In understanding the research analysis, the relationship is seen as symmetry but the underlying premise is still metastate. Thus the concerted effort remains practical as a state in metastate variance. A missing thread appears at the variance of metastate level, thus dutyfully representing an associated thread in the nature of common ground. An introduction to state physics presents as a quantified effect in terms of the solid state physics in quintessential particles. Bosons present as leptons of an etheric nature. Leptons are gasses, and fermions a subclass to leptons with gauge. Particle theory physicists soon described leptons as being of high etheric density. The controversy began in 1981 with high energy physics, when the Lorentzian hertz was made part of the Gaussian theory in a 'fermionic lepton' association to the g-boson. The generation of the g-particle in plasmon physics introduced the high density meson-quark, the pion. Pion is short for pi meson and can also be denoted by the symbol π
In a cross symmetry potential, a mediation takes place across the symmetry arcs of an isopotential spin in a magnetic moment, and rest surface mass is induced as a bipartition to guage symmetry. The relevant mediation occurs at right angles with the quarks and gluon-electron spin, to cause angular momentum. An interesting design posits a new state equilibriumin in full resolution- as the mechanical tron in isolated potential. The logical interpretation is that two incidences form an isolated potential in an energetic stance. Double incidences are known as a quantum surface. A trion is a quantum surface ring adapted as a possible potential for recovery arcs of meson potential spin. The reactive transiton is speculated to have incidence as a positron emission from a two-fold symmetry arc, or double pion. The positron emission from a symmetry arc performs as rest, less
(-)mass, in the mechanics of trions in a quintessence.  Quintessence is a branch of quantum mechanics called photoluminescence.