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Saturday, December 31, 2011



Part One of a series that begins on New Year'Eve of 2012


From the Council of Twelve:

On this auspicious date, on the summit of a new dawn, we invite you to join us in a cosmic retreat high above the world, in a sanctuary that is prepared only  once every two thousand years. High above the Himalayas, in the etheric realm of The Gotan- Yosh, the sanctuary is prepared and is alight with candles and cosmic glory. Cosmic glory is the name we have given to the scent that emanates from the burning lights and candles during these cosmic retreats.

Tonight, twelve of us will retreat into the cosmic divine to retrieve answers and share inspiration. Together, the thought enters the new-year in preparation of our new journey. The journey in which we will accompany humanity towards the lighter side of life. Understanding the journey is part of the preparation. We are the masters and cosmic servants of the realm of synthesis known as cosmic equation.

Through connecting service to the equation, we form part of the system that is the natural equation, a sythesis for life. The natural law of the cosmos divides by the synthesis of the equation, to sustain natural law as a force field that connects by same equation... This is the reactivation principle beginning as number of the constitution of the exact law, and is a concept of dynamic interface that connects the divine to the inner spaces that present as the paradigms of initiating life.

... The twelve enter the sanctuary....
Each is handed a candle which we take in turns to light from the fire basin in the centre of the room, before taking our places on seating cushions that are strategically placed around the centre piece that is the fire basin. The basin is made of green alabaster stone. It is filled with water through which a single burning flame emanates.
The scent which is named ‘cosmic glory’ grows stronger with every candle that is lit from the centre basin. The nature of this scent is a bio-enzyme that catalyzes the flame by emitting strong electro pulses into the water. The chemical becomes electrodes of the bio essence in natural flavour. Bio essences are chemical pigment in natural compound. The bio-pigment is what is essentially created through flavanoids and isoquines of the natural compound. This gives us the salt we know as Petra Salt, or Salt Peta. Carbon monomers are essentially Petra salts in biochemical pigment. The chemical equivalent of which, is iron sulphide. Iron sulphide has magnetic conduction in water, causing it’s electrons to glow. Such, is the first understanding of the state of matter as the electrochemical diode in natural fluorescences ... or flower essences if you will.    

Monday, November 7, 2011



A policy on the industrialist market shows the resource commodity as applied by the influential democracy, in a resource commodity inventory. The discourse is selective, and applies to the macroeconomy supplied by a seven year inventory with the structural economy in a deficit bond. 

The policy organizes a debenture on the macroeconomy account, from a resale district. The resale on a debenture market securities, postulates an opinion on the declared inventory of restructuralization with political employ on the deficits bond.  

The common policy on renewables causes an industrialization of the common market to restore the functions on the commodities market. The industrialization on a produce, is a restorative function to communize the market. Each function to generalize the commerce on an industrial market, focuses on the intention from a libertarian act. Function over controversy is indirect discrimination over policy acts with a restorative function to the people's democratic acts. A political economy industrializes the consumer market when the resource capacity points to consumer threat in retail government. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011


A super-relativity theory is observed as the matrix of quintessent matter.

Today, a new relativity theory is explored as quintessent science introduces a new form of quant matter. The theory of many-worlds introduces a quant matter to alchemical science. Introducing the quant sized matter as a possible theorem by hypothese, is a time-like matter.

Quant sized matter is a solution to the many-worlds theory, as reductionism. The solution is to identify matter as a chemical equivalence in recent observations made to neutrinos. The chemical equivalence is the anti-state matter of neutrinos. The nature of equivalence derives as a chemical state of the anti-state matter in neutrinos, as a result of a temperature equivalence. An introduction to solid state physics possesses the anti-state theory as a presumable prime state of resolution in anti-quark. Thus the primary temperature should reach an isolated measurement to introduce gravity. Introducing finite states to anti-gravity particles, introduces the tau-neutrino to physics. Finite anti-gravity particles introduce the tau to neutrinos with anti-gravity spin. The finite spin introduces anti-gravity particles to solid state physics. Thus the finite matter is the anti-particle spin, in the equivalent of anti-particle neutrino. The finite tau-neutrino value is an antiparticle spin. Decoherence formulates this order as a gravitational answer. The neutrinos antiparticle spin is a decoherence factor in active gravitation. The neutrino is a gravity constant measured as a decoherence factor by primary wave function. Measured as an anti-gravity constant, the neutrino value is measured in relativity constants, as the mass function in wave relativity.

A super relativity theory must understand the cosmic variance as a neutrino value, to result in the constants. Finding neutrino variance in a constellation, should connect us to the future result.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


    When we theorise the black body, we analyse it's radiation for a technical completion. Since we review our observations as technical, how can we imply analysis has been given completion in a theoretical wormhole?

Solar radiation applies to our technical analysis of the sun. When we preview our theoretical analysis, we must align a methodology exchange that requires us to obtain analysis in theoretical conversion. The sun is converted to energy but remains radiation. The technical output measures the suns rays by radiation, but converts it to liquid energy to convert the gaseous exchange. By analysis, the technical conversion is true, but measure the analysis by technical completion and the succint enters a relationship gap that annihilates conversion.
To complete the succint worm-hole, we need to resort to technical analysis to complete our theory. The answer to our technical worm-hole, answers the theory in analytical conversion tables to posit our recovery process on technical analysis. To convert methodology we need to unite the ascendance with a gradians for technical approval. So the conversion must initiate the response of the technical gradians to redistribute the system. When we convert electrical energy to recalculate measure, we retain it's methodology to recalculate system back to conversion. The remarkable aspect is that the conversion retains it's methodology to retain relationship of the ascension value, but remains constant as a verve position. Technical ablation then remains the correspondence technique of a portable ascension value in the analysis given. This results in the catalytic technique of higher states of correspondence analysis, for theoretical conversion. The higher techniques of a radiation catalysis can then be observed from a methodology point of view as the restituating order of a possible verve. Concluding evidence?

Saturday, August 13, 2011


          Describing the Quantum Chromodynamic in a specificity vector, to associate a unified vector field in upper states of resolution to the main plane physics. The computation isolates vector synthesis to complete the polar constant in distribution vector for higher states of physics. A polar constant replicates the higher states in chromaticity, to interpret resonance for a classical entology of the perturbation factor in science. Dual plane vector, decribes the plane geometry that redistributes potential through it's axis potential, through mediation of the spectral alliance of chromatic indices in polar vectors chromatography. The alliance of chromatic spectra using point vector for Cartesian geometries; is photographed below.

The product of the cross coordinates, shows a symmetry mediation along the lines of a cross polymorphic potential. Associated to this theorem is a class A. photography for spectral alliance in polymorphic rays, detected in a cosmic shower. 


    Light emits and absorbs radiation. Light frequency radiation is thought of as the intensity of light where a photonic charge emits photoelectric potential. Emittance of this light is also thought to absorb frequency in wavelengths of decimal range between photons of discrete energy packets. Estimated potentials between light frequency range produce kinetic variance to the isopotential of kinematic spin, also known as magnetic energy. Each configuration in a kinematic variance, is set apart by the dipole of a magnetic spin. High energy positrons affect the dipole of an electric spin by the wave function similarly portrayed by the analysis of the vector surface potential in anti-positron spin. The reference potential of a magnetic quark points to isolated spin vectors for the positron emissions of the vector source, making the UV source ray an electromagnetic variance for the isopotential spin. This points to isomeric quarks using positron emission of quintile vectors for annihilation of beta ray particles. A process of activation begins from the tungsten model in nuclear array spectroscopy, where the product of interpretation is an n-boson quark. The divided theory of an n-potential points to dual association in the n-quark, as cosmic variance. The elusive primary model is a model of interpretation for primary quarks, with the distributing potential in the electron quark for primary associated quanta. In plane geometry for isopotential quanta, the reference modality is in peak frequency. Modulation spectronomy appears as modulation injunction, where the presence of isolated quanta from the modulated induction at peak frequency reference, is recovered from the modulation arcs of dielectric quanta.  Geometric incursion for the rate of infinitisemals, is discharged as the dielectric constant in the product action of quantum state affine in the modulation arcs of injunctions. In a refractive modality, the peak frequency is shown as a symmetry model with corrective asymmetry projections in the modulated affine of the new distribution model. A collective symmetry possesses refractive modality through frequency wave, and appears as symmetry potential for the divided axes in a mediated spin. The mediated spin potential produces vortex for an induction on gravity momentum in the sequence of modulation with techtronomy. A thermal quark from the induction ray of high positron spins, produces quanta waves in magnetic theory, with inference causing two new magnetic quarks to produce boson's from the Higgs theory, due to the magnetic transmission being muon transmission in particle array. 




      Memory is not  the set of recollections that many believe are stored away in some enigmatic compartment within the brain. Memory IS the storing function of the limbic system.
Memory is the messenger neuron of the compartment. This neuron is a blip spot between every chemical interaction that transceives in the brain. The 'blip' is an 'action-potential'  reversed in chemical energy, to form the actuating potential for an ion transfer energy chain. The actuating potential is the action potential for magnetic energy in a transfer chain. In other words, it is a code for transmission in reverse energies. This magnetic pi,  is equivalent to a threshold that contains electrical energy in a state of  chemical equilibrium. 

Chemical energy is known to distribute potential through is glycosides in chemical potential. Through it's glycosides, tri-glycerides are made. Triglycerides are combustion molecules. Chemical combustion of triglycerides causes chemical energy to transfer the wave packet into dynamic chemistry. The dynamic chemistry is referred to as synapse. A synapse is a conduction of energy transfer across a convection gradient. A transfer of kinetic molecular energy is reversed across the gradient and a neurotransmitter is sent as a conduction molecule over a synaptic cleft. The neurotransmitter sent is acetylcholine. Acerylcholine is a transceiver and anticholineric molecule, which means that it is able to stop, start and transmit the action-potential in an energy gradient. Acetylcholine is the conductor of the energy train and transmits signal to stop, start and connect the transmission lines for energy potential. In effects it is the activating transmission for a polarized vector potential. 

A flow of electrons from a dipole magnet conducts a vortex to transmit and re-unite the convection currents in a polarized string, The surface potential in an electron magnet, can produce string electrons from it's diatomic nucleus during a transfer of molecular energy. This means that the reverse potential for kinetic energy is the action-potential for a string theory. The activating potential  is thus the reserve potential in an activating string, meaning that magnetic tides string over the active potential of  a polarizing gap.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Since the days of Plato, a fifth element in nature has been proposed. The prospect of an etheric nature transforms into what is  known today as String Theory Resonance in Quaternions
A communicative science connects all matrices by a unifying field in sub matter 

Corrective asymmetry proposes a static field in nature, communicating a state of equilibrium between two opposing magnetic states in a quantum field. Static equilibrium therefore, is a quantum magnetic state also known as quantum equilibrium.  The state of quantum equilibrium is a magnetic time frame that proposes a magnetic energy in quintessential matter. In proximal field theory, the equivalent in quantum vectors of magnetic fields, holds fast this opinion of a quintessential nature in the presence of matter. An isolated subjection proposes all states as magnetic field by variance of the isolated matter. The nature of covalence understands the theory as an essence of co-typical factor through which magnetic states are adhered, ie: the prevalence is co-factor appropriate. The isolated quintiles in co-factor variance, presents an interesting design in magnetic fields. In understanding the research analysis, the relationship is seen as symmetry but the underlying premise is still metastate. Thus the concerted effort remains practical as a state in metastate variance. A missing thread appears at the variance of metastate level, thus dutyfully representing an associated thread in the nature of common ground. An introduction to state physics presents as a quantified effect in terms of the solid state physics in quintessential particles. Bosons present as leptons of an etheric nature. Leptons are gasses, and fermions a subclass to leptons with gauge. Particle theory physicists soon described leptons as being of high etheric density. The controversy began in 1981 with high energy physics, when the Lorentzian hertz was made part of the Gaussian theory in a 'fermionic lepton' association to the g-boson. The generation of the g-particle in plasmon physics introduced the high density meson-quark, the pion. Pion is short for pi meson and can also be denoted by the symbol π
In a cross symmetry potential, a mediation takes place across the symmetry arcs of an isopotential spin in a magnetic moment, and rest surface mass is induced as a bipartition to guage symmetry. The relevant mediation occurs at right angles with the quarks and gluon-electron spin, to cause angular momentum. An interesting design posits a new state equilibriumin in full resolution- as the mechanical tron in isolated potential. The logical interpretation is that two incidences form an isolated potential in an energetic stance. Double incidences are known as a quantum surface. A trion is a quantum surface ring adapted as a possible potential for recovery arcs of meson potential spin. The reactive transiton is speculated to have incidence as a positron emission from a two-fold symmetry arc, or double pion. The positron emission from a symmetry arc performs as rest, less
(-)mass, in the mechanics of trions in a quintessence.  Quintessence is a branch of quantum mechanics called photoluminescence.  

Monday, July 4, 2011


Cognition is a sense of establishment that allows us to perceive, conceive and relate to understanding. As a psychology, cognition demands understanding to determine thought. We review the process from behind the doors of new frontier and travel to destination future, to gain new perspective on the brain and it's behavioural cognisant models.
Our neural psychology possesses a cognitive behaviour that passes by unnoticed. Our subjection to the trials of cognisant behavioural models continues to outgrow our mental capacity for true cognition. How do we assess newly related pathways in our own brain's performance from beyond our own thought?
The relationship to sense is a cognitive psychology. We understand cognitive processes as performing rational decision, and learning to correspond thought to these rational behaviours from within the cognisant data.
Our neural psychology places data in a cognisant behavioural model, to adapt to sense. Neural psychology is cognisant behavioural model in a response mechanism. We organise our thought according to the adaptive mechanism aligned to the social concept. By practising adaptation, our brain aligns the behavioural model to a state of cognisance, which we view as consolidation, in terms of decision making thought. When we consider ourselves reactive, we are placing the data consistent to the thread of adaption for behaviour, to consequent models of adaptation in neuronal psychology. Understanding predestination, forecasts these models on adaptation to perceive related views. We are assertive in our consideration because we opt to view the consolidation matrix of cognisant networks, to determine realistic belief.
Our neuronal cognisance is a synaptic psychology used to instruct the data as a closed circuit of referred cognisance. This instructs our social psychology and determines our behavioural input. The social psychology is a meta-data from beyond the periphery of sense. It is a mental adaptation to cognisant models of our neuronal chemistry. As a fluid adaptation, the data relays inscription by conduit- a nervous system organisation. Applied mechanistics consider the data reactional to observation, alongside consolidation threads which make up the meta-state of previewed disease. States of cognisance organise behavioural models for opportunistic disease in an adaptation play. Thought organises statistics, and a prevalent association is made to the threads of opportunity that foment disease.

Friday, July 1, 2011


The possibility of a wave-particle duality fluctuates after observance of polymeric states are assessed as a typified reaction of quantum location, within the presence of optimization fluorescences.
Quantum dots are recently argued to be seen match making the answer to quantum specificity. So the selection is made to preview the right question. Quantum specificity matches the dots to preview a logical point of vision with the answers to correct symmetry. The quantum dot perspicacity is said to maintain a steadfast wave of recognition to the diatron wave corrector. To suppose the quantum wave acts with specific tests, is to suggest the portable location of a symmetry principle is wave specific. The forecast recognition therefore, assists the materials of a specificity testing typecast, to act as rounded symmetry. Alleged permutation to quantum symmetry dots shows a typecast reaction that somehow refracts symmetry. Space is a quatum surface, therefore the positional approach reacts to obtain an incline surface to measure space. In which the vectors in reactors of specificity quarks, present a propagation synthesis equal to symmetry arcs in a longitudenal casing. Matching the alleged propagation to the symmetry arcs in vector fields, results in the field theorem of propagation arcs. To join the combination, a resultant type factor vector isolates projectiles of the symmetry arc, and the propagation vector assimilates the vector field as a dual projection in a symmetry arc. The propagation arc thus synthesizes a double adaptation by vector synthesis in propagation wave. Inclined matrices from the propagation wave also scatter by point fraction in a kinematic locution, as point symmetries. The location is an index by point symmetry return. By sub-division, the index points to fraction in vector surface, causing two potentials as mediated lines of inflex. Met at ajacent values, the corresponding vectors provide inflex lines to closed symmetry in evaluation method. Corroborate lines are used to propose that the angle of propio reception are used to simulate wave length, where the proprio receptors divide ANS arc. Subjectively, the field of equation purports to symmetry arcs in Laplacian theory, whilst the methodology purports to using Humboldt's mode theorem for reaching conclusion.
A classical mechanics proof of corrective symmetry, within the potential of Laplace theory for organisation of symmetry arcs is what provides a referral methodology for clinically arranging regular symmetric arcs as a dual focus potential. One being the evaluation of electrophoretic arcs; The other as a mediation of propio-relation. The inclined accenture provides a referral technique from light through the photon emission of RAD X Ray.

The parrallax agreement between continued states in an electron, share an electron current that shapes the existence of other natural states in kinetic energy momentum. The exact replica commences through the quantum purpose of observed light, to emit fluorescence. An etymology of producing magnetic states in superficial cohesion, understands the equation of quantum specificity with a redundancy of magnetic states in cohesion. A possibility exists that the magnetized light is a shared redundancy of observed particles of light. Thus the wave function permits a magnetic state as spectral alliance between the observer and it's form of kinetic function, in an observation range, as it's symmetry potential.

Saturday, June 25, 2011



As we begin to rename our probablity standards, the ethical constitution may deliver a gross mishandlement of ethical data. The plenary of our observaton may constitute functional relatonships in between cross governance of bio ethical standards. In a cross examination of bio ethical standards at close observation, we may permit certain obstruction to functional deport. Yet we consider our practice in a delayed conservation a requisite aid to control the other in a right to sequestration in fundamental appeal. We mask our preliminary subjects as a constitution to rename subjects in a functional operation with no name. We are attentive to our own concern without regard for another alongside placement. We survive out of plenary injustice when we consider our own scope to the practical alignment of misery. We determine the right of reaction when we depart alongside the observationist theory. Categorically said, the issue contemporarily remains on our plate to percieve, whether we agree or not to regulation and requirements for methodical data. We are no more considerate than others, when we rename our observation to consult to the practice of ethical behaviours by partial discrimination. Our collateral interest must mask a determinable threat to our conservation strategies, as ethic behavioural models. Bioethics governs relations with a statistical cue. Appearing as underhanded, our gross mishandling effect may rationalise opinion in theory. Combining our functional cue with our ethics, points to our behaviour as ethical functionality. Our radical intervention renames itself out of organisation to mismanagement, finding a commutative spirit in the essence of what we do. A practical alignment of operatives is used to sustain replenishment of observation cues and tactics, otherwise penalised to confront our permits. Aligning the methodology to the injustice, is an opinion that could use a social stand point. Set theory may maintain practice but contravenes the authority of structures with legislation. We must maintain the practice of advocacy in realigning our methodological cues and functional behaviours in operatives without legislation, if we are to submit a process of restoration with firmative ammendment. Our emissary of faith depends upon the format of operational systems to implement faith, in a postulate of opinion that is guaranteed to success where there is change. The presence of opportunity is said to guarantee change where the result is presumably waranted out of operation. In terms of driving the opportunity to succeed, we need to guarantee change as a structural enlivening of our own result. The structural enlivening presents a classical case of a forward thinking arena that should permit us to demonstrate our forward thinking strategy, in terms of liaison's passed.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sandra at The Pythagoras Portal blog: COSMIC SCIENCE - A TYPOGRAPHICAL MAP TO OUR SYSTEM...

Sandra at The Pythagoras Portal blog: COSMIC SCIENCE - A TYPOGRAPHICAL MAP TO OUR SYSTEM...: "The theoretical approach to the cosmic soup derivation stands justified only by the formulated suggestions of entropy, amalgamated against a..."


The theoretical approach to the cosmic soup derivation stands justified only by the formulated suggestions of entropy, amalgamated against a backdrop of amorphous analogs. The conclusion in this theory relies on a somewhat illustrious notion of an ever expanding universe. If the set theory states that by principle the direct amount in a system’s energy can be calculated by the rate of expansion and contraction in verve, then surely the three state actions must be interchangeable. The system of entropy refers to a selective process whereby molecules scatter. To enhance this periphery of thought the adjunct accumulative endorses the notion of a new scale, where the boundaries and borders of outer space represent the new periphery. Telescopic magnification relies on the oblique angles of light, which magnify as refraction. Refractive light compounds the ether into meta-static fragments of light. The index for this refraction maintains some level of extractive whereby the measured index falls reticent to the line of indent, between the telescope and its scope of practice. This measures the index as a fragmented representation in line with spectroscopy. The order reassembles as the universe expanding because the line of communication is somewhat stilted. On the far side of the universe, the index measures a portending red-shift. A galaxy in making, red-shift is an area of isolation where plutonic debris measures on the index as a hotspot. Gamma- ray particles are associated to the red-shift phenomenon for their personal capacity to heat up the intensity on the spectroscope. The capacity for heat intends activation and is known as Newton’s zero- zone. A red-shift is a zone recollected to have magnetically attracted particles into its zone through magnetic induction. Red-shift or swift-zone is believed to engulf particles in order to acquire enough mass in degradation to eventually form a black hole. Black holes are believed to be the reverse synthesis of galaxies in orbit. They are presumed nuclear waste pit holes where dying galaxies are sucked into an inferno melting pot. The consumate of the red-shift is an ionization principle, where scattered debris forms the magnetic orbit for new poles. “Crompton’s Scattering” relies on this principle for heat waves. Magnetic induction forms the resolution for new orders and relies on the principle of adhesion in a super conductive field theory. The measurement of a system identifies with the law of superiors and degradables in situ. In an area where irradiation is excessively high, the excitation of molecules in measured in Coloumbs. Where the refractive index falls short in its area of expansion for potentials, the pervasive area indicates a resonance scale. Man can only detect within the levels of his instrumentation, and subsequently apply his theories accordingly. We measure according to theory, yet theory has no standing if not proven by measure? A refractive index is measured by angle of incidence. What we are measuring is the refractive incidence of a reflection. Since a reflection is quadrupled in a sphere, what we are measuring in refractive, is an eighth in the intensity of a reportable. By measuring diagnostics in this sphere, the consumate result will be one of accommodative supposition, where X will be the surface acquisition and Y the index by modulated index in an analysis. If all within the bodies in the universe revolve around an axis at a speed representative of their size and weight, how can it be that the extended universe is not subject to the same laws governed in entropy? Suppose the moon did not rotate around the earth at a three hundred and sixty degree angle, and suppose the earth did not turn in approximation to the moon, do you suppose there would be a sunset and a sunrise? Why is it that our present calendar reflects three hundred and sixty five days in the cyclical completion of a year when the axis of a rotund should imply three hundred and sixty revolutions? The implication of this delivers a five degree incline in the rotation of an axis. This measurement delivers a systematically off-centred ratio performing the circumference of a mathematical eccentric circle. Mathematical eccentricity delivers the cuneiform action of Pi. The eccentricity is a cuneiform that is subject to a field of centrifugation, delivered by an eccentric axis where the pivot is inclined at five degrees off centre. This would deliver the stance of the extra five days in classical cosmotology.  

Sunday, May 1, 2011


By the turn of the first century, the master Plato was theorising an element he called space. He postulated the etheric realm was the element in nature that managed the soul. The theory of heaven became 'divine space,' a place where the receptacle of God made divine embers, and the nature of soul represented time -as the earthbound relationship to sense. Plato intimated the stars as the essence of divine beings in heavenly abode. His divine ontology can be seen today as a protagonistic sense. Between heaven and earth, a place existed that managed the area above and below it as the primordial sound, mediating between realms. Plato speculated that the aether was a scintilla of the proximal ray, a place where the earth met the sun in a dew drop. The practical assimilation gives us grand design. The theory of connective synergy understands grand design as the assimilatory process of conceptual thinking. Understanding this relativism, the initial nature is a cosmic angularity, also understood as cosmic variance. To divine interpretation, the cosmic singularity presents a uniformity of presence. By implement faction, this sustains the universe...but by protagonistic sense, the design is perpetual in nature. To interpret the design, the initial understanding of sense must be regarded foolproof. How do we divide sense from protagonist theory, to answer the design?

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Malaria is a parasite that lives in the mosquito. It is carried in the gut of the female Anopheles, and acts as a parasitic enzyme that helps digest blood platlets. As the mosquito pierces the human skin, it regurgitates a slimy saliva present with the haemophilic bacteria. This emulsifies the blood into a preparation ready for the mosquito to feed on. The bacteria then enters the human bloodstream and begins to progenerate a macrolytic army of the bacterium. Growing in a single strand, like a minute string of pearls, the incubation sacs are released into the cytoplasm of interstitial fluid, where they stay in the lymph for seven to fourteen days, until the string begins to separate. Each ovo-sac releases itself and then enters the bloodstream nearest the liver and spleen. Each string of ovocytes takes seven to fourteen days to completely release each ovum from the batch and join the bloodstream. Each ovum from one single string batch enters the bloodstream at a different stage in it's maturation, ensuring the progenation of the species against the 21 day life span of the mosquito. Meiotic replication in sister cells produces the sporum. Symbionts of anaerobic bacteria are acquatic yeasts, and similar bacteria are found to be living in the Clostridia Botulinum. Plasmodium Falciparum hosts similar bacteria that act as enzymes in the presence of yeast. This is the associated function of an iron dependent bacteria, in the glycolysis exchange with a morpheme in mutagenesis. The result is a stage dependent bacteriocyte in the placement of an oogenesis for lymphocyte reaction, the plasma concentrations of C02 in methane levels of oxidation for anaerobic bacteria, and the plasma rich concentrations of haem for the third stage in development in a chondrocyte reaction of hepatic spleen miasma. The controlling efficacy must thus sustain all three intermitent levels of the progenitor factor in a premutated bacteria, ie: The Falciparum malaria strain. The hypothesis on curative format supports the theory on premise. Thus curative ability relies on hypothesis of an amylated sulfate in the presence of the hypo micron bacteriophase. Control of bacteriocyte in oogenesis controls the mast stage in a progenesis of symbiont bacteria. Using prime factor TG cells to simulate bacteria in ostrocytes, produces the second stage reaction as chondroitin succinate. A transposition from chondroitin succinase to cellulose, requires a heparin compound to transform hydrogenates to the methyl acid compound under oxidative stress to gluconic acid.
To combine methodology, the scope of practice is to divide the three simulant bacteria into stage responsive acts. stage one would be the mediation raport, stage two would depend on the mediation consort, and stage three enters the singular response signal for hepatocytes at blood plasma levels reducing the antigen response. To complete the process, supportive information should show a level of plasminogen in interstitial fluid, far beyond that of modenation during the clinical assesment of hematopoeisis. The construct science to curative measure begins with Actin Morphoesis to simulate bacteria with morphogens and adaptive behavior. The use of isogenetic compounds in catalysis, completes the osmosis cycle and enters a second stage relation by morphogenesis. The second generation catalysts begin to place morphogens in complete contrast to catalysts, by isogenetic compounds. Mononucleation occurs in type genera using cytokines to control the promulgation of the divide in bacteria. The third construct controls the process of dormant RNA molecule in reactive container of polyclonal nuclear cells of mitosis replicating DNA strands, where the polynomial cells of the myelinated sheath occur. The assessment given to rudimentary cells, understands the polyclonal nucleotide of nucleated acid, as polynomial nucleotide for instrument of facets, during the DNA synthesis of mononucleated cells. 



As we look at the world today, we see the fundamental stressors being associated to our current disposition. From the economy to climate change, an industrial affair is responsible for the globally induced state of disarray, in which we find ourselves in today. Let us propose, for invention's sake, that we were on the brink of extinction as a humanity. The possibility of human's reinhabiting the planet at some future point is exhibited by science, and the postulated opinion becomes the new idea for an inventory. We decide to build a megalithic structure, housing the demarcation of our history. Surmising the cultural evolution of a society is foreset in an anthology of ideas, we must carefully submit the process that restores equilibrium to a society, and the world as a whole. What is the premise by which you formulate an intention to restructure society? Given the preview of our society's structure, how would you reconfigure the norms for a societal practice, and ensure a more sustainable and independent future?

Saturday, April 9, 2011


It is said that we don't all have to relate to god in the same way, in order to transcend god. What lies beyond the first instance, is the same in every realm. The first instance is a sudden notion of death, and partakes in the many avenues of related access to life. What lies beyond this, is referal. Beyond life AND death lies the immortal soul. You cannot relate soul to life OR death because it is beyond both as the a cycle of death and life or birth and rebirth. So beyond this notion of cyclical exchange, what is there? This is transcending god, going beyond the cycle of life. Behind the cycle there is resonance. A pure state of resonance. Now when I speak of resonance, I speak of underlying habit that is the 'repetitive constant', thus a continuum so to speak. If you can imagine a plasmion of surface molecular tension that holds all tensors in place by vacuum, then you can imagine the inner state. The inner state holds the bonded material of nuclear energy. It is free and thus isopotential. Energy = mass. Isopotential, is the mass equivalent of mc2 in hypotential value. Thus c2 is essentially a gas. A plasmon gas in hypopotential value, is the thermionic imprint of plutonic gas.                 


The relationship between time and sense is a disposition of dimensionality. It is thought of as the congruence of higher states. Through the dimensionality the light appears as the essence of pure thought
An understanding of time, evaluates order. Time is an evaluative order through which we percieve as fractal disposition, the measure of isommetry. It is the way we cue distance in uniformity, and is the state's placement and the evaluative order of our commensurate minds. What is seen as placement, is a vertex, a fractal disposition. We learn to understand time as we proportion ourselves as geometric concursion. We manage our time by the way we percieve light. The alliance is a geometric concursion. Time is set as the fractal hypothesis of geometric concurrence. When we percieve 'left', we understand relation to above and below and opposite. Time is an alliance of geometric concursion by magnetic time-frame. The magnetic time frame stands still as we adjust ourselves to the relation 'so above as below'. The relationship is 'instance', a pure magnetic moment traversing the space between infinitesimals, as isolated stance. The relationship is bound, and is concurrent with instance (in-stance). When we concur relationship, we mangage time. Time is the preview of magnetic sense, presented as distribution. The distribution is nomadic and infinitisemal. Time is an understanding of relationships between bound states of matter, and presents as hyperspace where two relationships are bound to inner state matter. So that means that matrix becomes part of the quant, by value of the refractive concurrence in inner states as quantum matter. The theory of organisation becomes prevalent as we learn to distinquish by thought, the eigenvalues of lesser decimals. Three states of lesser variance become entwined in projection, as we consolidate the essential reality into twine matter. Three isolated states become bound by essential matter, to become projection. The consolidation presents as one state of observance, where the three redactions isolate a super surface as plasma. When we concur relationship to outer states, the inner states concur by placement to a decimal, as the infinite reaction of continuation. Thus the set expanse is projected as a set of concuring reaction, in a magnetic time frame of higher magnetic states. By reacting to time space, we measure the distance between a fragmented placement. What we call space-time is a concurring measurement between intervals of a sub-space.  

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I have noticed that there is an emergence of the spiritually orientated minds. There are many levels of this orientation. Between the quickly evolving neophyte and the post-religious reformer, there are those seeking truth to a world- that just does not make sense to them anymore. There are also many ancient souls vibrating at the master level. There are even those who come as the spiritual 'midwives' to ease the transition into a new plane of delivered consciousness. There are the teachers and there are the scribes, and even those that help usher in the new developments of a more conscientious government. There is even the spiritual scientist, that having reached his plateau of learning, is in search of higher fields that fold the evolution into a multidisciplinary format...and open his chances of discovery. There are Indigo's that are savants of music and arts. Among all of these, there are two distinct types of personalities that distinguish between perspectives, in a distinguishing ability. In fact the division between dinstinguishing ability, is what curtails the strategists mind. Pythagoras first made sense of this as the 'pre-order of logic'. He maintained that the order of numbers had a pre-sequel and thus infinity could not be reached as it was attached to a prequel with a decimal squared. Infinity, he proposed, should be able to divide within itself to make smaller numbers and not multiple digits. The smaller numbers, he proposed as square root. The square root thus held within it, the smallest and the highest of fraction. In a dream one night he realised that the contribution to be able to philosophize numbers, lay within it's first perspective. The ability to distinguish same if not equal parentheez of a distribution by squaring the root, instead of adding the sum formula to distinguish know how. He formed logic out of synthesis, not incursion...and was able to see the pattern then follow it. Without seeing the pattern, you follow incursion and set precedence where the point of continuation can no longer see logic. When we cannot see logic, we continue to theorise along development rule and see no order that matters in a relationship. . . This is the synthesis equation that he formulated as fx (pi) the singular illusion, and made it into a quaternion with square root as the synthesis equation. 3(2) ^^ 33(2) x pi as the multifactorial - to the square root equivalent (OS). Once a week on the Sabath, Pythagoras and his friend would sit together and hypothesize on the philosophies which they had learned to interpret from their dreams. Each one would try to posit an approach to the other, upon which they would try to discredit each other's notion through contesting the superlatism of the notion. By the end of the day, neither of them could agree on each other's notion. Pythagoras decided to test his theory on superlatives, by making one tiny adjustment to his theory on conception as a prefix. He would use his own dream by comparrison, to find the similarity adjustment, instead of the dissimilar thread, to prove probable cause. The first line of comparrative became the second line of adjustment to form a similarity rule, by which opened up an array of qualifying sums... and he could see the pattern unfold instead of following the logic of prequel. He found the divinity in numbers to be the harmony in synthesis that could be extended by interpretation from transliteration. To conclude, my summary point is this... the distinguishing perspective is divided into two camps. Those whose first perspective is to find similarity in order, and others whose first perspective is to find the disparity in order, to prove their consequence right. If you choose to always begin by finding the similarity practice, the unity of order will reveal the symmetries that are directing towards the higher cause

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The epoch of transcience is upon us. We relate to ourselves as human beings. We are ourselves dimensions of being, in a supernatural state.

The natural human being results as the state in super harmony. What is the super harmony? The super harmony relates to an intelligence. A higher order of intelligence is used to consider the superlative state of consciousness.

Consciousness relates to magnetic state. The ether is a magnetized state, superliorly consciouss. All states arise out of consciousness, which is a magnetic dipole. Through the ether, the correspondence ignites, and becomes a series... This travelling consciousness is communication. Twin poles of magnetic areas, consult as sound. Sound is existence contained in thought, and summoned through the atmosphere. A corresponding harmony travels to be thought conscious. Each level of transcience initiates a corroboration of magnetic atmospheres. Through the atmosphere, the ether is reflected as magnetic sound...the twin poles. Twin consciousness is related to twin souls. The endemic controls the external manifestation of sound, in a distinct rotary reflection that is the 2 x 2 magnetic reflection. The magnetic reflection is the synthesis of containment. It is is magnetic resolution - It is the synthesis in equation.

We are the synthesis in equation, the quadratic angles, the heaven’s on earth. We are the match made in heaven as it is on earth. New evolution is the quadratic equation. We are the new synthesis in equation. What is this equation? ...This constant star? It results as an ephemeris. A fleeting moment where we belong, a lifetime’s fleeting song. It is longitudenal wave-legnth, a magnetic moment, a dipole is constant reflection of ephemeris, the fleeting star.
How do we engage this fleeting moment in a popular stance? How do we magnetically attract to ourselves, that which we are? We are here to give birth to the moment...that is all. For whatever recollects us, is our endeavour. Our consciousness is one united moment, it can be no other.

How did we differ from track? How did we become so different, one to another? How then, do we believe different things in isolated content of one another?

The consciousness was born into one, but reflected as two... a combinatorial order of magnetic phi (1) results as (two) reflected by magpi.

                             1 x 1 (=) 2 x 12 /…/ Sin(Pi) ⤉

Antecedents can be correlated in numbers to reflect the magnetic manifold. The correlation functions for manifolds, is divided by the binary equivalent in magnetic Turss. Where one magnetic moment is the dipole’s equivalent, the third area of containment is said to ‘entertain bridge’, and is thus energetically contained by both the dipole and the moment in Sin position. Magnetic flux is the area in containment to Sin position. This means that synergistic dipoles, magnetically reflect.

To the coefficient angles produced in a quaternion, the correlation quadruples in sphere, making the syntax a correlation function of the magnetic sphere in diatoms.

A first function of the correlations coefficient is ‘magnetic moment’-
..A secondary turbine-
...A complex management of esters-
….A quadrupole of magnetic moment.
….. And there you have the first amino acid.